National survey results
Public Health Englands GP practice profile
QOF results
Reviews and ratings on the NHS website
We welcome your feedback. Should you wish to raise any compliments, complaints or suggestions relating to your experience at Abridge Surgery, please put them in writing addressed to the Practice Manager and your comments will be addressed.
We love to read your positive feedback and take any negative feedback as a learning opportunity.
Examples of some recent positive feedback
“Great practice”
“I have been visiting the surgery several times to have my wounds dressed following a nasty fall. All three nurses who have dealt with me have been excellent and very friendly.
I am extremely grateful to each one of them for their care”. Anonymous
Survey Results
We wanted to share with you the fantastic feedback that we have received from the recent GP Patient Survey
The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over a million people across the UK. The results show how people feel about their GP practice.
The survey results can be found at: Patient Experience (
Thank you to our patients for your positive feedback.
Care Quality Commission